
Many people struggle with conceiving. Often it is not realized that infertility can be attributed to both biological male factors & biological female factors almost equally. That is why it is important for all parties participating in conception - their bodies should be prepared whether they are contributing sperm, egg, or carrying the pregnancy. Fertility challenges occur when our body systems are imbalanced due to several combined factors such as stress, diet, lifestyle, illness, hormonal changes, or certain reproductive system health conditions. By the time most people come to us for fertility issues, they have tried various strategies, including meditation, yoga, diets, supplements, labs, drugs, IUI, and/or IVF.

We understand this - having dedicated our practice to fertility. We have helped many folks conceive using WS-Traditional Chinese Medicine alone and/or providing a preparation program for ART and concurrent integrative care during IVF/IUI cycles as well as support during pregnancy. Combining TCM with Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) such as Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) and In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) can enhance fertility rates and improve outcomes for couples struggling with infertility. Research has shown that acupuncture when performed in conjunction with ART procedures, can improve pregnancy rates, reduce miscarriage rates, and enhance the success of embryo implantation. Acupuncture can help prepare the body for ART procedures by promoting relaxation, reducing stress, and optimizing reproductive function, leading to better outcomes for couples undergoing fertility treatment. Read about acupuncture points for IVF as well as IUI and IVF acupuncture protocol here. We’ve helped a woman conceive after six failed IVF’s. Let us help you too!

Garden Acupuncture co-founders Alex Goldberg and Lisa Metzger successfully used Whole Systems Traditional Chinese Medicine (WS-TCM) to conceive their two daughters. A certified member of Clinical Excellence in Fertility Professionals, Alex studied directly with Dr. Randine Lewis, author of The Infertility Cure.

Collectively, our team has 50+ years of experience including clinical training in the United States and China. Some additional highlighted professional experience of our team includes work on The Human Genome Project and pioneering acupuncture at Mayo Clinic, Rochester as their first licensed acupuncturist helping to create a collaborative partnership between Mayo Clinic’s Integrative Medicine Dept. and Sun Yat-sen’s Zhongshan Medical School. Additionally, team member Dr. Jeffrey Winsauer specializes in fertility and gynecological medicine, having completed a residency in GYN and infertility at Shenzhen TCM Hospital. There, he assisted in conventional medicine—such as D&Cs, pelvic exams, ultrasounds, and pap smears—and learned TCM under the mentorship of the GYN department head, a 30-year veteran specializing in infertility.

We use WS-TCM to address diet, nutrition, blood oxygen, hormone levels and stress concurrently. Egg or sperm quality today is the reflection of health three months ago. For this reason, we provide care in 3-month segments.

  • Individualized Attention and Instruction

  • 24 Acupuncture Treatments

  • 16 Chinese Herbal Formulas

  • Ozone Sauna Therapy

  • Gua-Sha, Tui Na, Cupping, Ear Seeds

  • Nutritional Support, Information & Education

Stress directly impacts fertility by affecting ovulation, testosterone levels, cortisol levels, sperm production, and embryo implantation. We teach you to breathe differently, eat differently, express your emotions honestly, and rid your body of the negative effects of stress. Using WS-TCM, we direct your body’s circulation and attention to your reproductive organs, which can result in:

  • Increased egg quality

  • Improved blood flow to the uterus

  • Decrease of blockages such as cysts or polyps

  • Improved uterine lining allowing for implantation

  • Increased blood flow for placenta growth

  • Restoration of energetic balance in the mind, body, and reproductive organs

  • Improved sperm morphology, motility, and count

  • Improved success rates of IVF and IUI

  • Decrease in effects of long-term stress

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common hormonal disorders affecting women of reproductive age and can significantly impact fertility. PCOS is characterized by hormonal imbalances, insulin resistance, and ovarian dysfunction, leading to irregular menstrual cycles, anovulation (lack of ovulation), and ovarian cysts. Women with PCOS may experience difficulty conceiving due to these underlying factors. Read this blog post about how to treat PCOS without birth control.

TCM approaches fertility from a holistic perspective, focusing on restoring balance and harmony within the body's systems to promote reproductive health. Acupuncture, a central modality of TCM, can help regulate menstrual cycles, improve ovarian function, and reduce symptoms of PCOS such as irregular menstruation and hormonal imbalances. By stimulating specific acupuncture points along the body's meridians, acupuncture can enhance circulation to the reproductive organs, balance hormones, and reduce stress, all of which are essential for fertility.

CM herbal formulas are customized to each individual's unique pattern of disharmony and symptoms, providing personalized solutions for conditions such as PCOS. Herbs such as Cinnamon, Peony, and Licorice have been used for centuries in TCM to support women's reproductive health and improve fertility.

In addition to acupuncture and herbal medicine, TCM dietary therapy emphasizes consuming nourishing foods that support reproductive health and hormonal balance. Foods with anti-inflammatory and hormone-balancing properties, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats, are often recommended to support fertility. TCM dietary recommendations also emphasize maintaining stable blood sugar levels and reducing consumption of inflammatory foods, which can help improve insulin sensitivity and reduce symptoms of PCOS.

Often, we collaborate with reproductive endocrinology and infertility practices to integrate conventional and whole-systems medicine. We're experienced in providing preparation and supportive treatments for IVF, IUI, and other procedures. Whether used as a standalone treatment or in combination with ART procedures such as IUI and IVF, TCM provides valuable support for couples struggling with infertility and offers hope for achieving their dream of having a family.

Our staff is highly trained and ready to treat your individual health concerns with a customized plan for YOU. That’s why our clients have given us a 4.8 rating on Google and consider us as the best acupuncture Brooklyn has! Real medicine to heal the body naturally has significant effects. Step into the office and see why we make a difference in the lives of our clients.

Can stress prevent implantation?

PCOS Treatment Without Birth Control

IUI Acupuncture Protocol

“The only thing that I did differently while trying to get pregnant, at 42, was get acupuncture at Garden Acupuncture and it worked. Two failed IVF cycles and multiple fertility treatments did nothing for me but the acupuncture helped to conceive naturally and without any drug or fertility treatments. Alex prepared me for pregnancy, assisted me in keeping the pregnancy and helped to maintain a healthy hormonal level. I delivered a healthy baby boy after believing that I was done. I wasn’t. And I have Garden Acupuncture to thank for that. I cannot recommend them more highly.”

— D.D., Brooklyn


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