Summer in The City

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It is SUMMER TIME. That means it is time to have fun and feel great! Many New Yorker’s are lucky enough to be able to escape the city and work remotely. For those of us who are staying, whether it’s by choice or out of necessity, staying in the city over summer can feel kind of lonely. So why not use this time for self-care? Why not use your insurance to treat yourself? Why not support your local mom and pop shops who are also feeling the burn and lack of patrons? Neighborhoods feel “empty” in a good way. Take advantage of all the endless options New York has to offer.

Treat Yourself to Mini Staycations All Over the City

With so many of our fellow New Yorker’s out of the way, it is easier to get around, easier to score an appointment at a spa, easier to find an open reservation at a busy restaurant. Avoid tourist traps and seek out local hidden gems. You’ll feel like you have been transported without having battled an airport.

Try New Things, Transport Your Mind Without Leaving the Ground

For example, you don’t have to travel across the globe to learn how to surf. You can do that right here in Queens! (try Locals Surf School. I personally recommend them.)

And to try Chinese Medicine, you don’t have to schlep to China or even China town. Stay in Brooklyn and step into Garden Acupuncture’s spa- like treatment rooms for an hour of total relaxation. Think: a cool room, dim lighting, soft meditative music, all while balancing your body and calming your mind. Acupuncture is a great option for self-care especially during the summer. According to TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), summer is all about activity, movement, socializing, trying new things, and fun. To balance all that activity, it is important to take time to rest and reset. Your acupuncturist will be able to determine if your body needs tonifying, soothing, moving or clearing. You might even benefit from Chinese Herbal Formulas which are made of individual herbs combined to perfectly balance one another to achieve the desired effects. Here at Garden Acupuncture, you can find formulas by the names of Calm, Vibrant, Nourish, and Shine. To learn more about how TCM views Summer and helpful tips to get the most out of the season of laughter, click here.

Improve Your Mental Health with Acupuncture

The last two years have been at best disruptive for some and completely devastating to the rest of us. We could all use help at times and currently there is an uptick in emotional issues across all ages and all demographics. Mental health effects the entirety of our physical body. We are here to help. Anxiety, stress, insomnia, pain/tension, TMJ, depression are just some of the conditions acupuncture can treat extremely effectively. Summer is the season where joy should be abundant. We can help you get there! TCM techniques such as acupuncture are proven alternative therapies for anxiety and natural remedies for depression. Learn more about acupuncture for mental health here.

Do It For Free

If you have a health insurance plan that covers acupuncture, you could be stepping into your mini staycations with out even pulling out your wallet!

For the last 12 years, Garden Acupuncture has been here to offer our Brooklyn and surrounding communities the best of the ancient art of Traditional Chinese Medicine through our experienced, licensed practitioners all year, every year. We are now incorporating more natural healing elements by way of new technologies with our ozone sauna therapy. For more information visit our website here.